The Do Book Co.


Do Agile - Futureproof your mind. Stay groundedDo Bitcoin - The future of money. And what you need to know.Do Build - How to make and lead a business the world needsDo Conversation – There is no such thing as small talkDo Deal - Negotiate better. Find hidden value. Enrich relationshipsDo Design - Why beauty is key to everything.Do Disrupt – Change the status quo or become itDo Fly - Find your way. Make a living. Be your best self.Do Improvise – Less push. More pause. Better results. A new approach to work (and life)Do Interesting - Notice. Collect. ShareDo Lead - Share your vision. Inspire others. Achieve the impossible.Do Open - How a simple email newsletter can transform your business (and it can)Do Present - How to give a talk and be heard.Do Protect - Legal advice for startups.Do Purpose - Why brands with a purpose do better and matter moreDo Recruit - How to find and keep great peopleDo Scale - A road map to growing a remarkable companyDo Start - How to create and run a business (that doesn't run you)Do Story – How to tell your story so the world listens.Do Team - How to get the best from everyone.