The Do Book Co.

Our company

Ideas can be powerful. This book company was one such idea.

It was after watching a DO Lecture online back in 2011 that our publisher Miranda got in touch with Clare and David Hieatt, co-founders of the small magical event held annually in West Wales. Inspired by the talk (and with a 20-year book career under her belt), she asked if they had considered publishing books by their incredible speakers. The first meeting happened a week later.

In the month of May 2013, a new independent publisher came onto the market with five books: Do Grow, Do Birth, Do Story, Do Improvise and Do Disrupt. The books were small, the covers were loud (thanks to American artist and designer James Victore) and they soon found their way into various bookshops and museum and gallery stores. 

Designed to help creative entrepreneurs, makers and doers work smarter and create positive change, these concise guides are written by experts whose stories and ideas have inspired others to go and Do. The growing collection (now 40+) spans design, business, wellbeing and sustainable living with each book focusing on the ‘doing’ rather than the background theory. Do Books can be found in different countries, in different languages, and enjoyed in print, digital and audiobook formats.

Do Books have been finalists for industry awards: Best Brand/Series Identity category of the British Book Design and Production Awards 2014; The Event category of the FutureBook Awards 2022; the Marketing category of the IPG Awards 2023; Regional Finalist for Small Press of the Year at The British Book Awards 2024; and Best Short Book at the Business Book Awards 2023 - winner! 

Hackney Downs Studios/Eat Work Art Ltd made this short film in 2022 as part of their Virtual Open Studios.