The Do Book Co.

Our values

We believe that the right book in the hands of the right person, at the right time in their lives, can inspire action and positive change. 

Our books aim to do just that. Written by speakers from the DO Lectures in West Wales, they focus on the 'doing' rather than the background theory. From life skills to smart working practices, they are designed to help creative entrepreneurs, makers and doers across business, design, wellbeing and sustainable living. 

For each book sold we pay a royalty to the author, and another to the DO Lectures, to help them achieve their aim of creating positive change.

We have always printed and published our books with the environment and sustainability in mind. We use local where possible and print on FSC-certified paper. Our authors share these values and it comes through in their writing. We are a small company with low overheads and minimal impact. Unless we're talking about the impact the books have on readers, because that's another story...