The Do Book Co.

Find us on MediumJanuary 30, 2017 · Anya Glazer

For many of us the new year is about beginnings. About using this time to reflect, refresh and plan. But on these cold, dark mornings, it can be hard to get motivated! To try and help we have published some related book extracts on Medium. Making the case for rejecting cynicism in favour of positive change is Do Fly author, Gavin Strange. And Michael Townsend Williams, author of Do Breathe, reveals how meditation and breathing exercises can help you focus and move forwards. 

 Do you have a library at work? Last year we noticed that more and more companies were creating one. To encourage this trend, we’ve compiled a reading list: The Company Library. It’s an eclectic list of 20+ killer books around adapting to change, leading the charge, working smart and staying motivated. They range from self-improvement to soft business to short inspirational reads. Perfect to dip into on a coffee or lunch break. You can find it here

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Photo by Jonathan Cherry