The Do Book Co.

Reading List from Do Startup 2013May 8, 2013 · Jon Heslop

Some of this year's Do Lectures speakers have already published brilliant books. And certainly all have been influenced by one book or another along the way. We thought it was a good idea to pull together speakers’ own works, as well as those referenced during the talks to create a killer reading list. If we’ve missed any, just let us know and we’ll add them on.


The Art of Innovation - IDEO
Designing for the Web - Mark Boulton - Kindle edition
The 100 Thing Challenge - Dave Bruno
Amy Jo Martin - Renegades Write the Rules
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Cialdini
Lean StartUp - Eric Ries
The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz
Good to Great - Jim Collins
Social Media is Bullshit - Brandon Mendleson
Give and Take - Adam Grant
Let my people go surfing - Yvon Chouinard
Path of a Doer
Free Food for Rats